Published Nov 28, 2008

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Alvori Ahlert



This is the result of an inquiry searching to understand the relationship between ideology and faith in Latin American theology starting from the conception of anthropological faith in the work of Juan Luis Segundo. We think that the question of ideology and its relationship to faith continues to be a question of relevance now in Christian thinking in the face of the old and the new human problems that the present time sets before us. We concentrate on the writings of Juan Luis Segundo, one of the main exponents of this theology, since, in our view, he is the theologian who most explicitly exposed the question of ideology and its relationship to faith in the Latin American context.


Ideology, faith, anthropological faith, liberation theologyIdeologia, fé, fé antropológica, teologia da libertação

How to Cite
Ahlert, A. (2008). Faith and ideology in the liberation theology: interrelationships in the work of juan luis segundo. Theologica Xaveriana, 58(166). Retrieved from