Published Nov 28, 2008

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César Carbullanca N



Starting from the acquired conviction in Johannic studies about the existence of different christologies in the Fourth Gospel, the figure of the Beloved Disciple is presented as a thelogical elaboration of the last redactor in order to develop the christological and ecclesiolocal consequences of the death of Christ, in continuity with the tradition of divine messengers and «the king´s friends». This rereading emphasizes the reality of Christ’s death, and is a reaction to the envoy christology due to the geographic and cultural change, in the context of internal division produced by docetism.


Christology, Beloved Disciple, rereading, death, succession, final redactorCristología, discípulo amado, relectura, muerte, sucesión, redactor final

How to Cite
Carbullanca N, C. (2008). The beloved disciple: a hermeneutical key to johannic christology. Theologica Xaveriana, 58(166). Retrieved from