Published Nov 28, 2008

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José Alfredo Noratto G



This paper explores the richness of the theological and eschatological conceptions subtending the language of the Parousia in the texts of the literary and theological tradition of the Fourth Gospel. Its originality and novelty are represented by the way in which the different traditions referring to the second advent of the Lord are articulated, with the intention of expliciting the different eschatological horizons and of grasping the enormous hermeneutical potential of e)/rxomai in its epiphanic dimension, and its extension in implicit language represented mainly by the verbs of vision, knowledge and revelation, and the paradigmatic figure of the Paraclete.


Parousia, Second Advent, Johannic eschatology, Fourth GospelParusía, segunda venida, escatología joánica, Cuarto Evangelio

How to Cite
Noratto G, J. A. (2008). The return of jesus to the disciples. The faces of the parousia in the fourth gospel. Theologica Xaveriana, 58(166). Retrieved from