Published Jul 5, 2008

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Eduardo De la Serna



To present Paul´s theology in a concise way is no easy task. Some deny any contribution of the apostle to it, considering that he limits himself to reproducing the ideas generated in primitive Christianity. Others try to indicate “christology”, “anthropology”, “eschatology” or “ecclesiology” as the hermeneutical key themes or starting points of pauline thought. The present paper tries to show that in the mind of the apostle these four main theological themes are inextricably intertwined and shed light on each other, so that it is not possible to understand one of them without taking a look at the others.


Pauline theology, Christology, Ecclesiology, Eschatology, AnthropologyTeología paulina, cristología, eclesiología, escatología, antropología

How to Cite
De la Serna, E. (2008). An approach to pauline theology. Theologica Xaveriana, 58(165). Retrieved from