Published Jun 30, 2014


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Lucio Pegoraro

Liliana Estupiñán Achury

Óscar E. Herrera Bedoya

Julio Cesar Gaitán Bohórquez



This article comes within the framework of a global research on the circulation of the doctrine in the jurisprudence produced by the Constitutional and Supreme Courts of the world. For Colombia, the investigation resulted in a project dedicated exclusively to the study and doctrinal formant movement implicit or explicit in the judgments of the Colombian Constitutional Court, ever since its creation date. Thus, this article reports on the academic background of research, theoretical frameworks and, in particular, presents an important result for methodological development, that is, the creation of a Web information system consists of software, based on technology developed in-house that allows data mining and analyzing a significant universe of statements and the corresponding creation of important indicators for advancing socio legal studies about the role and influence of the doctrine in the judgments of the Colombian Constitutional Court.


constitutional jurisprudence, data mining, doctrine circulation, legal sociology, knowledge management, referencesjurisprudencia constitucional, minería de datos, circulación de la doctrina, sociología jurídica, gestión del conocimiento, citas

How to Cite
Pegoraro, L., Estupiñán Achury, L., Herrera Bedoya, Óscar E., & Gaitán Bohórquez, J. C. (2014). The Doctrine Circulation in the Colombian Constitutional Jurisprudence. Background, Theories and Creation of a Web Information System. Vniversitas, 63(128), 43–78.