Published Apr 15, 2010


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Horacio Andaluz Vegacenteno



The recently in force Bolivian Constitution of 2009 brings a change in the structure of the legal system. This paper analyzes such change through the formal relations among the legal sources and exposes the structure of the Unitarian and territorially decentralized State shaped by the Constitution. Besides a previous theoretical frame, the paper is divided into two main parts: the first one regards the Constitution as a legal source, and includes the legal consequences of its

supremacy, the limits of the interpretation clause of the Constitution and the application of the stare decisis doctrine to the Constitutional Court precedents; the second part exposes the ordinary legal sources, its respective position in the structure of the legal system and the formal relations among them. 


Bolivia, constitución, fuentes, política y poder judicial, derecho, Supremacía constitucional, continuidad del sistema jurídico, fuentes del derecho, estructura del sistema jurídico, relaciones formales entre fuentes, jerarquía, competenciaBolivia, Constitution, Sources, Justice and politics, Law, constitutional supremacy, continuity of the legal system, sources of law, structure of the legal system, formal relations among sources of law, hierarchy, jurisdiction, normative powers

How to Cite
Andaluz Vegacenteno, H. (2010). JURIDICAL ORGANIZATION OF POWER : SOURCE SYSTEM IN THE CONSTITUTION OF BOLIVIA OF 2009. Vniversitas, 59(120), 17–60.