Published Apr 15, 2009

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Lucas Correa Montoya



The Colombian Constitutional Court’s precedent regarding the persons with disabilities’ human rights has played an active role. It has widely protected and dignified them, it was also reaffirmed the privilege place given to them by the Constitution. The paper presents a general overview of persons with disabilities human rights legal protection and specifically: the Constitutional duties of the State, the disability concept, the equality, the rights to mobility, to work, to health services and education. 


People with disabilities, human rights, civil-rights, Colombia-constitutional law, persons with disabilities, constitutional law, Colombian Constitutional CourtPersonas con discapacidad, derechos humanos, derechos civiles, Colombia-derecho constitucional, personas con discapacidad, derecho constitucional, Corte Constitucional Colombiana

How to Cite
Correa Montoya, L. (2009). PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES’ HUMAN RIGHTS. OVERVIEW OF ITS LEGAL PROTECTION IN COLOMBIA. Vniversitas, 58(118), 115–139. Retrieved from