Published Apr 15, 2009

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Beatriz Londoño Toro

Johanna del Pilar Cortés Nieto

Mónica Alexandra Lombana Rodríguez

Carlos Andrés Maya

Julián Aguilar Ariza

Óscar Gabriel Palacios Sanabria



This paper presents the results of the research project “The Effectiveness of Judicial Contempt Power in Writ of Protection Cases. A Case Study, Bogotá (2007)”. Its purpose is to identify and analyze the variables that influence the effectiveness of contempt requests in terms of the satisfaction of fundamental rights. In order to do so, the research intended to have a quantitative approach with exploratory boundar- ies. The project examined a total of 431 files in criminal, civil, administrative, labor and family courts in Bogota in 2007. The study shows an overview of ineffectiveness of the legal instrument and the need for its reform, together with the development of new tools to promote compliance based on different theoretical perspectives. 


Contempt of court-Bogotá (Colombia), case estudies, judgments, human rights, writ of protection, efficacy of law, compliance of judicial decisions, contempt powerDesacato a los tribunales-Bogotá (Colombia), estudio de casos, sentencias, derechos humanos, acción de tutela, eficacia del derecho, cumplimiento de decisiones judiciales, derechos fundamentales, incidente de desacato

How to Cite
Londoño Toro, B., Cortés Nieto, J. del P., Lombana Rodríguez, M. A., Maya, C. A., Aguilar Ariza, J., & Palacios Sanabria, Óscar G. (2009). THE EFFECTIVENESS OF JUDICIAL CONTEMPT POWER IN WRIT OF PROTECTION CASES. A CASE STUDY, BOGOTÁ, COLOMBIA (2007). Vniversitas, 58(118), 161–187. Retrieved from

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