Published Oct 15, 2008

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Natalia Tobón Franco



This document examines the various parameters applicable in Colombia to set attorneys’ fees and compares them with the criteria set out by the American Bar Association and the Disciplinary Code of the Spanish Legal Profession. The author discusses specific situations that arise on a daily basis for lawyers such as: What happens when a lawyer and client have not previously agreed on fees? When are fees considered disproportionate? When can we talk of having taken advantage of the needs, ignorance or inexperience of a client? Can there be unfair competition between lawyers for issues related to fees? May client refuse to pay fees for lack of success?, and many more. Finally, the author gives some tips that may help lawyers to obtain prompt payment of fees.


Abogados-honorarios, honorarios-abogados, cuota litis, competencia desleal-abogados, clientes-abogadosattorneys-fees, fees-attorneys, lawyers-fees, contingent fees, unfair competition-attorneys, lawyers-client satisfaction

How to Cite
Tobón Franco, N. (2008). ATTORNEY’S FEES CRITERIA TO SET THEM. Vniversitas, 57(117), 385–400. Retrieved from