Published Oct 15, 2005

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Daniel Echaiz Moreno



In opinion of the author, the in force General Law of Societies of Peru contains a legal regulation of advanced, being a juridical norm "constructed for Peru". Nevertheless, still mistakes stay for correcting, be afraid for completing and question for regulating. In this one very interesting work they propose diverse topics that they should be analyzed again in order improved the regulation of the Corporate Peruvian Law, which no doubt will use as modal to the compared legislation. 


Sociedad, exclusión del socio, control indirecto, disolución, denominación social, fondo empresarial, sucursal, contratos asociativos, sociedad unipersonal, grupos de sociedadesSociety, exclusion of the associate, indirect control, dissolution, social denomination, managerial fund, branch, associative contracts, individual society, groups of societies

How to Cite
Echaiz Moreno, D. (2005). PROPOSALS FOR CORPORATION LAW REFORM IN PERU. Vniversitas, 54(110), 191–224. Retrieved from