Published Apr 15, 2004

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Anibal Sierralta Rios



This article deals with the new transactional models on international trademarks, patents and Know-How contracts, and the possibilities and certainty mechanisms that Latin American countries must consider when operating in international markets either as exporters of manufactured products or receivers of direct foreign investment. An analysis on the intellectual property regime is made in the light of
International Conventions and the specific Agreements of Paris, Bern and Madrid, as well as those Decisions approved by the Andean Community. In a specific manner, the contracting techniques for trademarks, patents and Know-How are reviewed, with comments on the basic elements for each of these contracts and the best way to negotiate its clauses. Additionally, it enlightens the above-mentioned concepts with examples taken from the Latin American reality.


Contratación internacional, propiedad industrial, patentes, marcas, contratos Know-howInternational contracts, Industrial property, patents, trade marks, contracts Know-how

How to Cite
Sierralta Rios, A. (2004). CONTRATACIÓN INTERNACIONAL DE MARCAS, PATENTES Y KNOW-HOW. Vniversitas, 53(107), 404–449. Retrieved from