Published Sep 6, 2019


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Juan Carlos Naizir Sistac



This article aims to study objective arbitrability in domestic arbitration in Colombia, managing to propose a catalog or list of matters that are not arbitrable originating in the law itself, in the various decisions that the courts and doctrine have uttered, In addition to having commented on certain areas or topics that, although arbitrable, have proved controversial for the arbitrators' knowledge. After identifying and studying the issues that are not arbitrable in Colombia and then refer to certain specific issues that may be submitted to arbitration and that it is worth highlighting, it is concluded that as a result of the freedom of the law a list has been built of non-arbitrable matters in Colombia that at no time is intended to be limiting or much less taxative but that reflect the evolution that the legislator has had and the courts in a construction that should not end. For the elaboration, the dogmatic method of legal investigation has been used, which takes into account the legal provisions, doctrine and jurisprudence of the High Courts in Colombia.

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How to Cite
Naizir Sistac, J. C. (2019). Objective Arbitrability: What can be and what can not be Submitted to Domestic Arbitration According to the Colombian Sources of Law?. Vniversitas, 68(139).