Published Feb 27, 2020


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Manuel Fernando Quinche Ramírez



This article is one of the results of the research project titled Constitutional Reformism. Its main subject is the 52 reforms that have been carried out in the Political Constitution of Colombia until December of 2019. It explains them as a presidential nature phenomenon, circular and regressive, which always turns around the same points. Instead of presenting any rates of constitutional or institutional progress, it leads to establishing a Constitution that seems to be more like a constitutional code or regulation designed from the Presidency. Three methodological resources were used. Firstly, it is a documental investigation that worked the sample of 80 judgments of the Constitutional Court. Secondly, a reconstructive historical method was used regarding the 52 constitutional amendments adopted to date. Finally, analysis methods were used in two scenarios: the Colombian court law and the specialized bibliography on the power to reform the constitutions.


Constitución, poder de reforma, presidencialismo, circularidad, regresiónConstitution, power to reform, presidencialism, circularity, regression

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How to Cite
Quinche Ramírez, M. F. (2020). The Reform to the Constitution. Presidencialism, Circularity and Regression. Vniversitas, 69, 1–18.
Edición ordinaria