The Invisibility of the Identification of Victims in the Military Forces and the Beginning of a Crisis in National Defense and Security Following the Peace Agreement
One of the most important references generated by the internal armed conflict in Colombia is the accreditation of the military forces’ active and subaltern participation. In this way, the military Forces have had a direct confrontation with different paramilitary groups and have participated in the process of security attention at the national level by complying with the provisions of the National Government authorities, according to their objectives Institutional and democratic commitment. However, such actions can generate a negative situation, especially in a poorly evaluated aspect: the personal and professional projection in future military members who may be discredited, both by the State and society without executing a correct evaluation of their actions. In the comparative field, this situation is recorded in Peru, where the Armed Forces had a personnel deficit at the end of the fight against terrorism which allow us to project a possible negative situation in Colombia. Two essential elements emerge: the legal situation of the victims of the internal armed conflict —from individuals to members of the military forces—; and the fact that the Peace Agreement grants better and greater rights to those who acted against the country’s defense and national security, and against the members of the military forces. Consequently, there is an invisibilization of victims that were members of the military forces.
Conflicto Armado, Seguridad Nacional, defensa nacional, víctimas, fuerzas militares, Colombia, invisibilización de víctimasArmed Conflict, National Security, National Defense, Victims, Military Forces, Colombia, invisibility of victims
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