Published Aug 1, 2023


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Sergio Carreño Mendoza



Hostile takeovers operate as a suitable instrument for disciplining directors leading to better company performance. Bearing in mind, what is the role directors should adopt when the transaction has no board’s approval? Implicitly, Colombian Law adopted the board neutrality rule that forbids any measure able to frustrate the Bid. This paper aims to analyze the convenience of adopting this rule and propose guidelines to clarify its scope.


Board Neutrality Rule, Board of Directors, Takeover Bid, Hostile Takeoversregla de pasividad, administradores, OPA, adquisiciones hostiles

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How to Cite
Carreño Mendoza, S. (2023). Hostile Takeovers and Managers’ Role. The Board Neutrality Rule in Colombian Law. Vniversitas, 72.
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