Published Aug 29, 2013

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Pablo Rey Vallejo


The present paper is a bibliographical overview which constitutes the author’s first document presented for his PhD in Law from the Universidad Javeriana. It presents the latest studies on formalisation and judicialisation of arbitration in some legal systems in Latin America. For this purpose, it will deal with matters such as the definition of the legal nature of arbitration, monism and dualism in legislative structures, the constitutionalisation of the figure and phenomenon of judicial intervention.

arbitraje, naturaleza jurídica del arbitraje, arbitraje doméstico, arbitraje internacional, monismo, dualismo, constitucionalización del arbitraje, judicialización del arbitraje, procesalización del arbitrajearbitration, legal nature of arbitration, domestic arbitration, international arbitration, monism, dualism, constitutionalisation, judicialisation, arbitration processes

How to Cite
Rey Vallejo, P. (2013). Arbitration and Legal Systems in Latin America: A Study on Formalisation and Judicialisation. Vniversitas, 62(126). Retrieved from