Published Nov 20, 2013

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Edgar Antonio López López



In the development of the research “Believe in the reconciliation”, direct contact with victims of massacres and forced displacement in Colombia, had been useful to confirm the relevance of theories of moral sentiments in order to prepare a possible reconciliation process which passes through a liberating experience of forgiveness by the victims and solidarity by civil society. These problems occupied the attention of Guillermo Hoyos at the end of his philosophical activity. This article is based on theories of moral sentiments to assess contributions of the Colombian philosopher and emphasize the importance of memory in fighting against impunity and overcoming indifference, necessary elements in the process of reconciliation.


memoria, víctimas, sentimientos morales, perdón, reconciliaciónmemory, victims, moral sentiments, forgiveness, reconciliation

How to Cite
López López, E. A. (2013). Forgiving, Not Forgetting. An Approach to Reconciliation from Moral Sentiments in Colombia. Universitas Philosophica, 30(61). Retrieved from