Published Jun 25, 2012

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Sergio Roncallo Dow



This article aims to draw an ontological distinction between technique and techno-logy. While in the common parlance both terms tend to be used as synonymous, a philosophical reflection necessarily implies a previous moment of conceptual clarification. In this regard, I start from well-known positions within the philosophical debate trying to overcome the problem of lexicographic approximation to technique and technology. Throughout the text, and from an approach of Gille´s idea of technical system, I draw a map in which the technical and techno-logical are the beam and the underside of a philosophical commitment where fulcrum will not be objects but man.


técnica, tecnología, poiésis, epifilogénesis, filosofía de la técnicatechnique, technology, poiesis, epiphylogenesis, philosophy of technique

How to Cite
Roncallo Dow, S. (2012). Technique, Techno-logy: Beyond Synonymy and Being Just Objects. Universitas Philosophica, 29(58). Retrieved from