Published Jun 25, 2010

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Luis Fernando Cardona Suárez


This article discusses the possibilities of the ontology of hospitality running across the categories of angst, responsibility and aporia. In this way it seeks to address the radical finitude of our concrete death, incorporating the needed, existentive, and ontic considerations of dying, which the heideggerian previous attempt moved away as irrelevant, being not original ones to philosophical reflection. This recovery does not mean, absolutely not, that death and dying have lost their true character and perplexing mystery, or that they have dissolved the very nature of our aporetic existence. Rather, death is and will remain being such an indeterminate and always present concern, restlessness disturbing thought, as beautifully as Schopenhauer had said before: “death is the true inspirational genius or Musagetes of philosophy”.

muerte, angustia, Heidegger, Levinas, responsabilidad ante el otro, Derrida, aporía, ontología, hospitalidad, Kant, metafísicaontology, hospitality, angst, responsibility, existence, Heidegger

How to Cite
Cardona Suárez, L. F. (2010). Angst, Responsibility and Aporia Towards an Ontology of Hospotality. Universitas Philosophica, 27(54). Retrieved from

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