Published Jun 25, 2004

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Josep-Ignasi Saranyana



A Medieval Philosophy `for' Latin American scholars would mean something important as far as this region knows its interest and place in respect to it, holds Professor Saranyana in his lecture. Nuclear American cultures, not being idealized, cannot discard the main influence outstanding representatives of scholastic thought had on them in that moment. Through evangelization, notable friars handed on the splendid synthesis of medieval philosophy which would help Latin American people to understand their own history. Without their antecedents in medieval philosophy, respect for all human beings, for women, for dispossessed ones, and for the joy of life, liturgy, and folklore could not be grasped in Latin America today. Finally, any philosopher of any latitude should ignore the genesis of the relevance of Aquina's 'Esse' .


filosofía medieval, religión, autocomprensión, Latinoaméricamedieval philosophy, religion, self-understanding, Latin América

How to Cite
Saranyana, J.-I. (2004). Medieval Philosophy in Latin America. Universitas Philosophica, 21(42). Retrieved from