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Birgit Scharfenort


The question that initiated this reflection can be put briefly in these tercos: Is it possible to think the religious beyond the categories of sacred and profane? How? The following text makes an analysis of these categories trying to show how and why they begin to be problematic and furthermore insufficient. Is out of any doubt that the possibility of thinking the religious beyond the categories of sacred and profane requiresa deep reinterpretation . This implies passing from a magical vision that takes words as things to an existential, historic and responsible vision, i.e., wich does not allow man to evade this world's reality –which is the only one that has been given to him– and claims to him in such a way he can not avoid with the excusee of cultivating the beyond. How is the language that expreses religious experience? This is the start point and the
key for an investigation.

sacred, profane, religion, Christianity, Judaismsagrado, profano, religión, cristianismo, judaísmo

How to Cite
Scharfenort, B. (2014). Beyond Sacred and Profane: Laguage and Religous Experience. Universitas Philosophica, 18(37). Retrieved from