Elucidation by Examples in Wittgenstein
The paper aims to illustrate the methodology of conceptual explanation implemented by Wittgenstein in the Philosophical Investigations. Two uses of the concept of language game are proposed here. Also a scheme of argumentation is offered for the case in which the concept is used like a comparison element. The differences between the style of elucidatio practiced in the Tractatus and the conceptual clarification by examples carried out in the second period of the Austrian philosopher are also explored here.
Wittgenstein, Investigaciones filosóficas, aclaración conceptual, juego del lenguajeWittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations, conceptual explanation, language game
How to Cite
Cardona Suárez, C. A. (2014). Elucidation by Examples in Wittgenstein. Universitas Philosophica, 18(36). Retrieved from https://revistas.javeriana.edu.co/index.php/vniphilosophica/article/view/11381