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José María Nieva


The present communication investigates the dionisyan conception of the divinisation of man. For that it analyzes chapters 1.2 and 3 of the Ecclesiastical Hierarchy where the divinisation is defined as "that which consists of making our selves similar God and to unite our selves with Him as much as it is possible to us"(376 a). The concepts of hierarchy, mediation and sacrament that are linked to this notion must be clarified properly in order to understand the dionisyan conception of the divinisation. This explanation is guided by the following questions: how does man get to make himself divine? And, which is the anthropology underlying this conceptionof the divinisation? The paper concludes showing that the understanding of the rices, the sacraments and the sensible symbolsis necessary, since the divinisation of human intelligences cannot be fulfilled without the aid and the mediation of the sensible.

Dionisio Aeropagita, divinización del hombre, antropología, sacramentos, símbolos sensiblesDionysus Aeropagitic, human divinisation, anthropology, sacraments, sensible simbols

How to Cite
Nieva, J. M. (2014). Hierachy and the Divinisation of Man in Dionysus Aeropagitic. Universitas Philosophica, 19(38). Retrieved from