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Luis Fernando Cardona Suárez



These three concepts typify evil's display in modernity. As proponed by Enlightment, the modern proyect aimed at establishing the full government of reason anchored in the idea of freedom as autonomy or racional self determination of the will. Notwithstanding the moral optimism that goes along with this proyect, something, unconceivable to a moralist, has uprosen from its bossom: evil. This essay intends to show how modernity has faced evil's presence in human life, denying its real effective power. This is why this paper means to propose a positive concept of evil which allows us to endure an age ruled by illness, war, unjustice, misery and barbarity.


evil's presence, modernity, Enlightment, positive concept of evilpresencia del mal, modernidad, ilustración, concepto positivo del mal

How to Cite
Cardona Suárez, L. F. (2014). Stain; Disfiguration and Orgy. Universitas Philosophica, 14(27). Retrieved from

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