Published Mar 29, 2019


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Adilson Felicio Feiler



Nietzsche’s translation of phycisist Roger Joseph Boscovich’s theory of matter to the language of a sensorial atomism evokes the emergence of several moral prejudices. For Boscovich, material points are the symptoms of an action that itself does not belong to those points, but is produced from a distance by other points, as the result of an operation from point A to point B and vice versa. By appropriating aspects of Boscovich’s physics, Nietzsche equates this dynamism to a theory of sensation. In this sense, sensorial points receive actions from afar and every action is a sensory action from a distance, as the result of the points acting one on another. To neglect this sensorial diversity would be to mistake the physical constitution of organisms. Is not this lack of recognition at the origin of our moral prejudices?


Nietzsche, Boscovich, metter, force, moralsNietzsche, Boscovich, matéria, força, moralNietzsche, Boscovich, matéria, força, moral

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How to Cite
Feiler, A. F. (2019). Nietzsche and Boscovich: From Physical Actions to Sensorial Preconceptions. Universitas Philosophica, 36(72), 279–303. 