Published Mar 29, 2019


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Fabiano Incerti



Foucault acknowledges, in his analyses of the 1970s, that Oedipus means a rupture between specific knowledge and political power. For him, there is, both in Plato and Sophocles, resistance to the social model in which the sovereign held the power of mantica, justice and political life. For both, what must disappear is the image of the wise king, who upholds, governs, pilots, and straightens out the city, releasing it from the plague and famine; and his rejuvenated version, the tyrant, who saves the city, but does so by turning away from the oracle of the gods. The Oedipal story is, therefore, the passage of political power linked to the transgressions and struggles for political power understood, since then, as purity, blindness and ignorance. 


Knowledge, Power, Politics, Oedipus-King, Michel Foucault, knowledge, power, politics, Oedipus-King, Michel Foucaultsaber, poder, política, Édipo-Rei, Michel Foucaultsaber, poder, política, Édipo-Rei, Michel Foucault

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How to Cite
Incerti, F. (2019). From Transgression to Purity: Knowledge, Power, and Politics in Foucault’s Oedipus. Universitas Philosophica, 36(72), 305–327.