Published Mar 29, 2019


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Juan Samuel Santos Castro



In this article, I defend the idea that there are important differences between lying in politics and lying in general. My aim is to show that the issues with political lies do not have to do only with metaphysical or conceptual questions regarding what politics is or what the concept of the political means, or only with the validity of the excuses and justifications commonly offered in favor of political liars. I hold that the political lie is a special form of lie due, first, to the peculiarity of the use of language in politics, and second, to the function that political lies play in political discussions: they undermine several epistemic conditions needed to impartially discuss social disagreements. In this work, however, I leave unanswered the question of what might be the best way to account for the epistemic conditions of democratic political discussion.


lying, politics, discussion, persuasion, democracymentira, política, discusión, persuación, democracia

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How to Cite
Santos Castro, J. S. (2019). Lying Politicians and Democratic Cheaters: ¿Is Political Lying Different from Other Kinds of Lying?. Universitas Philosophica, 36(72), 17–52.
Dossier: "Lying, Cheating, and Democracy"