Published Mar 29, 2019


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Juan Antonio González de Requena Farré



This article aims to systematize different alternatives for the conceptualization of lying, in order to clarify the meaning of contemporary post-truth. Given the limitations of a historical reconstruction of the meanings of lying devised by the philosophical tradition, and because conceptual analysis risks of fetishizing the lying assertion, we aim to enrich the conceptualization of lying through the lexicographical description of the prototypical sense and the variants of our idiomatic vocabulary for lying. By distinguishing the formal conditions of telling a lie and the situational nuances of the realization of lying, one can recognize a new regime of lies in contemporary post-truth.


lying, truthfulness, sincerity, post-truthmentira, veracidad, sinceridad, posverdad

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How to Cite
González de Requena Farré, J. A. (2019). The Conceptualization of Lying in the Times of Post-Truth. Universitas Philosophica, 36(72), 97–123.
Dossier: "Lying, Cheating, and Democracy"

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