Published Mar 29, 2019


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Wolfgang Heuer



Lying is by no means a new phenomenon in human existence, nor in philosophy or political science. Only Arendt’s phenomenological analysis, however, clearly reveals the constant tension between truth and lie inherent in the political space, and the structural weakness of the former compared to the latter. Adopting this perspective helps to understand the temptation of the so-called “post-truth” that manifests today in the form of “fake news”, conspiracy theories, and populist propaganda. This article sheds light on the political and social conditions underlying the emergence of post-truth and on what distinguishes it from the political lie Arendt encountered in the nineteen-sixties in the United States. The Arendtian concept of qualitative plurality is proposed as an antidote to the unworldliness of post-truth.


lie, truth, action, populism, post-truth, pluralitymentira, verdad, acción, populismo, posverdad, pluralidad

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How to Cite
Heuer, W. (2019). The Temptations of Lie. Universitas Philosophica, 36(72), 53–70.
Dossier: "Lying, Cheating, and Democracy"