Published Feb 18, 2020


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Constantino Villegas



Unlike many dominant images of thought that are centered on searching for foundations whose coherence is found in binary logics or biunivocal relations, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s philosophy constitutes a way of thinking through machines that produce pure multiplicities by virtue of intensive differences. What is important with regards to machines is to refrain from any attempt at defining or understanding them—they cannot be delimited and are a-signifying—and to try to make them work, such that various flows of thought may circulate through them, intermingling with and interrupting each other. Even though any machine groups together many heterogeneous elements, literary machines are interesting insofar as they can reach a level of the fragmentary whereby the determinant potency of intensive differences can be expressed. This article experiments with Maurice Blanchot’s literary machine—especially with his idea of the neuter—to discover operations that could help to dismantle the foundations (paradigms, bivalences, binarisms) of dominant images of thought.


machine, difference, fragmentary, binarism, neutermáquina, diferencia, fragmentario, binarismo, neutro

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How to Cite
Villegas, C. (2020). Maurice Blanchot’s Literary Machine. Universitas Philosophica, 37(74), 197–230.