Published Feb 18, 2020


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Alberto Toscano

Juan Fernando Mejía Mosquera



This article traces the link between Deleuze’s philosophy of individuation, developed in such works as Difference and Repetition and Logic of Sense, and the notion of structure, that articulated a good part of the epistemological and ontological discussions in French philosophy and science in the 1960s. Besides pointing out the originality of Deleuze’s take on the term ‘structure’—as it ceases to correspond to a formal constant that is opposed or indifferent to the genesis of singular individuals, and becomes a virtual field of pre-individual determinations—, the author presents the possible limits of its use in a philosophy of difference in itself. The reconstruction of this philosophical bet that wanted to turn “structuralism” into a new transcendental philosophy allows to assess how much of this idea of structure remains alive in Deleuze and Guattari’s later works, and to what extent their philosophy transforms or displaces the project that had been formulated in those early books.


structure, Deleuze, individuation, ontogenesis, subjectivityestructura, Deleuze, individuación, ontogénesis, subjetividad

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How to Cite
Toscano, A., & Mejía Mosquera, J. F. (2020). Structuralist hero or Post-structuralist Anomaly? Deleuze as a Thinker of Individuation. Universitas Philosophica, 37(74), 17–35.