Published Sep 14, 2020


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Diego Fernando Moreno Mancipe



This essay aims to show that a phenomenological account of animal behavior can shed light on an ethological approach to alterity, and vice versa. The interface between ethology and phenomenology–which, as it is argued, is intelligible only with reference to a shared dimension of affection–is framed by means of the phenomenological concept of intentionality (Intentionalität), which appears as a generative force (Bildungstrieb) of the organism, its behavior and surrounding world (Umwelt). This means that intentionality does not shape stable structures, but plastic and dynamic processes that bound both the genesis of an organism and its surrounding world. Formation is thus understood as an epigenetic development, which suggests that natural forms are the result of a movement that goes from the general to the particular, from the most broad and regular structures of experience, to the multifarious proliferation of perspectives.



phenomenology, intentionality, behaviour, Umwelt, J. J. von Uexküllfenomenología, intencionalidad, comportamiento, Umwelt, J. J. von Uexküll

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How to Cite
Moreno Mancipe, D. F. (2020). Intentionality as Formative Impulse: Towards a Phenomenological Account of the Genesis of Biological Organisms and their Surroundings. Universitas Philosophica, 37(75), 45–72.

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