Published May 10, 2021


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Gonzalo Germán Nuñez Erices



This paper addresses the issue of boundaries in the broader discussion about material composition. According to nihilism, two or more objects can never compose a further one. In this view, ordinary material objects and their boundaries (surfaces) would be fiat entities, while simple objects (partless) and their sharp boundaries are the only bona fide components of the world. However, if there are reasons to postulate the existence of a bona fide boundary that separates a collection of objects from their spatial surroundings, then there are reasons to postulate the existence of a bona fide composite object too. If there exists a boundary, given its ontological dependence, there must exist an object it belongs to. The emergence of a boundary of a three-dimensional material object instantiates properties which are irreducible to the properties of their parts. Nonetheless, once that boundaries are introduced in the world, the presence of the ontological vagueness in modal terms becomes unavoidable.


objetos materiales, límites, vaguedad, composición, nihilismomaterial objects, boundaries, vagueness, composition, nihilism

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How to Cite
Nuñez Erices, G. G. (2021). The bona fide boundaries of material objects: A metaphysical study on composition and vagueness. Universitas Philosophica, 38(76), 189–221.