Published Jun 29, 2022


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Julio César Vargas Bejarano



Despite the misgivings of some specialists, Avicenna is an unavoidable point of reference in the history of intentionality. This paper sets out to determine the way in which the intellect takes a position with respect to the reality of the objects with which it enters into relation. We address the intentional relation, focusing on the nexus between logic and ontology, and emphasizing the role of conceptualization and estimation in determining what is real and actually exists. The exploration of the structure of intention leads us to identify the relevance of the doctrine of essences as a fundamental presupposition for conceptualization and truth. The importance of Avicenna’s theory of intentionality lies in the description of the reference to the object and in the description of knowledge as a process that advances from the known to the unknown, the various phases of which form the itinerary of essences. From this point of view, reality and existence are accidents that happen to essences. Esteem, conceptualization and assent are the capacities of the soul that make intentional reference possible. Finally, we identify some points of convergence between two doctrines of essences, that of Avicenna and that of Husserl.


intencionalidad, esencia, existencia, realidad, intenciónintentionality, essence, existence, reality, intention

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How to Cite
Vargas Bejarano, J. C. (2022). Intentionality and intentio in Avicenna. Universitas Philosophica, 39(78), 43–81.