Published Jun 29, 2022


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Hernán Alonso Jaramillo Fernández



The relationship between community and reparations is crucial to deal with violence. In this regard, to repair means to stabilize the social, moral, and political bonds that were damaged because of violence. Therefore, testimony is of great importance: it constitutes a biopolitical and institutional act to guarantee the rights to truth, justice, and reparations. However, concepts such as community, repair and testimony have taken a new meaning in contemporary French philosophy, especially in the works of Emmanuel Lévinas, Maurice Blanchot y Jean-Luc Nancy. This new meaning rejects the sovereign and biopolitical community. Taking into account such a change of perspective, this paper examines, from a philosophical standpoint, the aforementioned concepts found in Nancy’s, Blanchot’s and Lévinas’s studies on community, vulnerability, and metaphor. On that basis, the following thesis is sustained: the use of metaphors of damage in the testimonies of violence constitutes a speech of the irreparable (the wounded vulnerability) that reveals and creates an anarchic community.


inoperative community, moral reparations, testimony, metaphor, irreparablecomunidad desobrada, reparación moral, testimonio, metáfora, irreparable

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How to Cite
Jaramillo Fernández, H. A. (2022). The Anarchic Community of Testimonial Metaphor. The Irreparable in Moral and Symbolic Reparations. Universitas Philosophica, 39(78), 269–299.