Published Dec 16, 2022


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Carlos Vargas-González

Ivan-Darío Toro-Jaramillo



This research puts into dialogue Hobbes’s and Spaemann’s stands on the nature of trust by means of a hermeneutical approach. The main results of this reading show that for Hobbes distrust is the first thing that the human being encounters, and trust is learned; while for Spaemann, man is a trusting being and learns to distrust. This dialogue reveals that both authors have human sociability as a basis for trust, which allows to conclude that the disposition of trust occurs in human nature as a condition of possibility for the act of trust.


trust, distrust, human nature, Robert Spaemann, Thomas Hobbesconfianza, desconfianza, naturaleza humana, Robert Spaemann, Thomas Hobbes

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How to Cite
Vargas-González, C., & Toro-Jaramillo, I.-D. (2022). The Nature of Trust: Hobbes and Spaemann in Dialogue. Universitas Philosophica, 39(79), 125–152.