Published Dec 16, 2022


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Fernando Forero



This article aims, on the one hand, to comment on the dialectic of “the absolute” in Hegel’s Science of Logic, in a way that not only makes very dry matters comprehensible, but also helps to cover the richness and depth of the approaches present in this dense and inexhaustible section. On the other hand, it maintains that the genuine performance of the dialectic of the absolute consists in highlighting the connection between thought and remembrance. At the level of the absolute we recognize that the function of thinking has been properly that of remembering, that is, to see in all the conceptual constellations considered in this work a process of internalization or remembrance of the absolute. The last part of the article dwells on a task that remains to be done: to elaborate the emergent philosophy in accordance with these conceptual developments.


Hegel, absolute, remembrance, science of logic, thoughtHegel, absoluto, recuerdo, ciencia de la lógica, pensamiento

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How to Cite
Forero, F. (2022). The Absolute in Hegel’s Science of Logic: On the Relationship Between Thought and Remembrance. Universitas Philosophica, 39(79), 71–93.