Published Dec 18, 2023


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Indalecio García



According to Nietzsche, every morality is a process in which certain needs or affections corresponding to specific individuals, places, and times are shared through language, primarily as a means of cohering or keeping a group together. Morals are modes of social cohesion or, ultimately, modes of survival. In this sense, they do not oppose life itself but favor it. However, when, throughout history, those who follow a morality extrapolate its principles—beliefs or judgments about the correct way of living—with the pretension of truth and universality, at that point in the moral development, life and instincts begin to be denied. This is so because the possibility of various forms of human life is denied. Language allows us to constitute ourselves as social individuals and adapt to the way of life that is most favorable to us. However, this same language represents the danger of the logic and universalism of specific morals. Here we will try to show that Nietzschean philosophy, as a warning about this danger, gains value as a positive proposal for the historical sense of morality.


Nietzsche, genealogía, lenguaje, filología, historiaNietzsche, genealogy, language, philology, history

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How to Cite
García, I. (2023). Instinctive Morality? The Instinctive Bond Between Language and Morals. Universitas Philosophica, 40(81), 119–144.