Published Jun 30, 2023


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Juan Felipe Guevara Aristizábal



This paper tracks de concept of ability in Immanuel Kant’s critical philosophy, as well as the transition to this period, to reconstruct its uses and its effects in subsequent philosophical discussions, particularly in the way in which the universal rational subject has been conceived. The effects derived from this analysis will be contrasted with some critical perspectives on (dis)ability and ableism to question the Kantian views and exhibit the productivity of an anachronistic approach that brings together the history of Western philosophy and the problematic present we inhabit.


critical philosophy, corporeality, ableism, normativity, relationalityfilosofía crítica, corporalidad, capacitismo, normatividad, correlatividad

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How to Cite
Guevara Aristizábal, J. F. (2023). Reason on Top, Bodies Beneath. Kant and the Concept of Ability. Universitas Philosophica, 40(80), 195–219.