Published Oct 24, 2024


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Nicolás Tamayo Guerrero

Diego Fernando Moreno Mancipe



In this article, the Hegelian concepts of bad infinity and true infinity are analyzed in the context of a review of the notion of infinity in the German philosophical tradition with which it engages. Punctually, we will address the formulations of the finitude-infinitude relation in the work of I. Kant, J. G. Fichte, and F. Schlegel before exposing Hegel’s interpretation of how transcendental philosophy and German romanticism approached this issue. Finally, we present the true way in which, according to Hegel, the infinite is to be understood.



infinity, finitude, reflection, transcendental philosophy, romanticism, idealisminfinito, finitud, reflexión, filosofía trascendental, romanticismo, idealismo

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How to Cite
Tamayo Guerrero, N., & Moreno Mancipe, D. F. (2024). True Infinity and Bad Infinity. Hegel and German Philosophy of Reflection. Universitas Philosophica, 41(82), 49–77. (Original work published June 28, 2024)