Published Dec 18, 2023


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Agostino Molteni

David Alfonso Solís-Nova



The historical evidence of past and present centuries highlights the limitations of a presumed pedagogical science and its learning methods conceived a priori, that is, understood as a presupposed theory. In this sense, the educational method proposed by Lucien Laberthonnière (1860-1932) can be recognized as a notable and still relevant contribution. Therefore, the aim of this study is, above all, to present Laberthonnière’s educational thought. Secondly, some critical reflections are intended to extend the author’s lesson. If, for him, education is a collaborative effort between the authority of the educator and the freedom of the learner, is its purpose to generate civic individuals empowered to work with other people, and not against them? In this regard, it will be shown that his proposal is an education in which the method of the composed relationship between the authority of the educator and the freedom of the learner can generate civic individuals with a view to the production of universal, civilizing, benefits.


Laberthonnière, education, authority, learning, cooperationLaberthonnière, educación, autoridad, aprendizaje, cooperación

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How to Cite
Molteni, A., & Solís-Nova, D. A. (2023). The Common Work of Authority and Freedom in Education. Lucien Laberthonnière’s Teaching and Critical Reflections. Universitas Philosophica, 40(81), 177–208.