Technology and the End of History: Questioning the Moral Neutrality of Technical Apparatuses in Günther Anders’s Philosophy
It is commonly held that technology is morally neutral and that moral evaluation should be applied exclusively to the purposes of those who use that means. This research revolves around the question of the moral neutrality of technology in the work of Günther Anders. In this regard, the philosopher enriches and, to a certain extent, corrects the assertion of this supposed neutrality by arguing that technology, at least that which emerged after the industrial revolutions, carries with it a direction that seeks to impose itself on any human criteria and direction and, for this reason, attempts to steer history with its sole impersonal objectives of growth and expansion. This direction is already an intentionality that challenges that neutrality. Moreover, this technical tutelage deprives the individual of the possibilities to create their own history and to be accountable for it, but, even more gravely, it advances towards a complete disregard for humanity and, ultimately, towards its annihilation. The answer to this question will allow us to understand the diagnoses and prognoses of the Andersian philosophy of technology, and the alternative courses of action that still appear in his work for a human, rational, free, and fraternal orientation of history.
Anders, técnica, neutralidad, fin de la historia, inimputabilidadAnders, technology, neutrality, end of history, non-accountability
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