Published Dec 25, 2024


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Juan Pablo Solarte Burbano



The present text has two main purposes. The first one is to show the importance of the technical system in incorporating new perspectives to understand human behavior in a technically modified world. The second one, arising as a consequence of the first purpose, is to serve as a basis for incorporating, in subsequent works, Popper’s vision of World 3, along with the demarcation of technique and the technical system. To do so, in the first place, the definition of generalizing and historical sciences will be presented, along with Popper’s reductionist view of technology, in order to frame the limits of this perspective. Secondly, an approach to the notions of “technique” and the “technical system” will be made. Thirdly, some notions about technology will be specified, so as to link the structural and cultural aspects of the definitions discussed. Fourthly, some particularities of technique in relation to ethical issues and its connection to nature will be presented. Fifthly, the elements that constitute a technical system will be considered. Finally, some conclusions will be drawn on the relevance of technological inventions and their influence in the structural relations of the human being.


sistema técnico, ciencia, tecnología, sociedad, naturalezatechnical system, science, technology, society, nature

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How to Cite
Solarte Burbano, J. P. (2024). Popper, Technology, and the Technical System. Universitas Philosophica, 41(83), 265–298.