Published Feb 18, 2020


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Simón Díez Montoya



This paper outlines the ontology of problems in Deleuze’s magnum opus, Difference and Repetition (1968). By ontology of problems I refer to the conceptualization of problems as a fundamentally ontological—not epistemological—subject. This problematic-being is the object of Ideas, which are at the core of Deleuzian ontology, as shown in the actualization of the virtual and its four aspects: differentiation [différentiation], individuation, dramatization, and differentiation [différenciation]. For this reason, a deeper comprehension of the ontology of problems serves as the most adequate prelude for a sound approach to all of Deleuzian ontology. In addition, this article highlights the philosophical and scientific sources upon which Deleuze draws in order to build his ontology of problems. Of special note are his references to several metaphysicians of differential calculus (Bordas-Demoulin, Maïmon, Hoëne-Wronski) and prominent mathematicians (Carnot, Abel, Galois, Riemann, Lautman) of the 19th and 20th centuries.


Deleuze, problems, Ideas, ontology, Difference and RepetitionDeleuze, problemas, Ideas, ontología, Diferencia y repetición

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How to Cite
Díez Montoya, S. (2020). The Ontology of Problems in Difference and Repetition. Universitas Philosophica, 37(74), 77–100.