Published Jun 30, 2019


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Eduardo Augusto Borgert

Valdirene Gasparetto



The purpose of this paper is to identify factors that influence the costs of the health centers administered by the Municipal Health Department of Florianópolis, SC, Brazil, using the approach of Strategic Cost Management –SCM–. Literature review and support from health experts allowed us to identify the variables that represent each cost driver, under the SCM approach. We carried out a survey in the 49 health centers to relate the variables to the cost. The results show that health centers with greater demand for patients need larger structures. In these situations, oscillations in the capacity have a faster impact on costs, while Experience and Plant Layout Efficiency act on a smaller portion of the cost and its impacts are noticed more slowly.


Cost drivers, Strategic cost management, Health centersCost drivers, gestión estratégica de costos, centros de salud municipalesCost drivers, gestão estratégica de custos, centros de saúde municipais

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How to Cite
Borgert, E. A., & Gasparetto, V. (2019). Factors that influence costs, in the approach of strategic cost management: empirical analysis in municipal health centers. Cuadernos De Contabilidad, 20(49), 1–17.