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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.



Editorial Policy

Cuadernos de Literatura is a biannual journal published since 1995 by the Department of Literature at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá. The journal is a scientific journal specialized in print and digital format and appears regularly and timely in January and July each year.

Cuadernos de Literatura receives and accepts only articles in Spanish, unpublished and original, they can be research results that include an introduction, methods, results and conclusions; articles of reflection whose research results are addressed from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective by the author; review articles showing results, systematization and advances in the field of study and demonstrate a careful and thorough review of the literature, and Spanish translations of classic or current texts and texts of particular interest in the field of magazine publishing .

The editorial line of Cuadernos de Literatura focuses primarily on the critical, theoretical and historical analysis of literature, with emphasis on Latin American and Caribbean literatures. The journal will encourage the publication of articles and essays that focus on the review and analysis of issues, problems and methods in the field of Latin American and Caribbean literary and cultural studies in order to establish innovative theoretical and historical insights about literature and the subcontinental culture.

Cuadernos de Literatura will provide in each of its numbers a variety of subjects and, therefore, will include articles from different fields of thought and research within Latin American and Caribbean literary and cultural studies .Thus, the journal aims to maintain a continuous dialogue with such fields and their discussion and research interests.

Cuadernos de Literatura will include thematic dossiers which will timely analyze research topics and issues on Latin America and the Caribbean from a theoretical, critical and historiographical perspective. The journal also has a section dedicated to the publication of stories, poems, chronicles and tales aiming at spreading the aesthetic creation of new voices in the subcontinental literary scene.


The journal is aimed at professionals, researchers and students (domestic and foreign) in literary studies, social and human sciences, whose area of specialty is Latin American studies.

Reception of articles

Cuadernos de Literatura receives original and unpublished articles in Spanish and cannot be subject to considerations of simultaneous publication in other national and international journals. Articles are received throughout the year, although the annual numbers issue is governed by the following deadlines: For the first number (January-June), articles are received until March 1st of the previous year; for the second number (July-December), articles are received until September 1st of the previous year.

Rules for submitting articles

Authors should submit the following documents in .docx Microsoft Word format to the email cuadernos.literatura@javeriana.edu.co:


  1. Biographical and academic data format : downloadable document on our website: http://revistas.javeriana.edu.co/index.php/cualit
  2. Certificate of unpublished manuscript and not simultaneous submission: by means of this document, the author states that the article has not been published or accepted in another publication and also has not been submitted for evaluation to other journal. The certificate can be downloaded from the official website of the journal:http://revistas.javeriana.edu.co/index.php/cualit
  3. Article: the extension ranges between 15 and 35 pages, double spaced, on letter size paper. The font should be Times New Roman 12 point. The article should include both Spanish and English: a) A brief title, concrete and representative of the content of the essay, b) An analytical abstract that states precisely the objectives of the article, its content and its findings; the extent of the Abstracts should not exceed 7 lines, c) A list of 4-6 keywords, which cover the main ideas of the article, the keywords should be selected preferably in the Thesaurus of Unesco http://databases.unesco.org/thessp / .
  4. Supplementary graphics: supplementary graphics must be submitted in the requested format for each case. The location and source of each of the graphs in the main text of the manuscript should be specified. The photographs, illustrations, tables, graphics, scores, formulas or maps should be copyrighted by the author, or, if required, they must have the consent of the owner of the copyright or modification rights. In the case of the photographs of people, they should have an informed consent.
  • Figures and maps: They are photographs, illustrations or maps that must be submitted in separate files to the contribution. Accepted formats are .jpg and .tiff high resolution, 300 dpi in actual size. That is, from full-page images to half a page must be at least 3300 x 2550 pixels and half-page images or less must be at least 1024 x 768 pixels. Make sure that the conventions and textual elements of these images are readable. Avoid using color cues at conventions. To check the characteristics of the figures or maps check the properties of the original file. Scores and formulas that are editable within the Word document can be received, if they are embedded as images, must meet the characteristics described earlier in this section.
  • Tables and charts: the tables are graphical layouts which include statements and figures with mathematical relationships between them. The charts, meanwhile, have no mathematical relationships between components, as serving other relationships (hierarchy, correlation, comparison, enunciation, explanation). They should be sent in .doc or .docx (Word Files), in editable files that must be incorporated into the manuscript. Tables or charts in .xls or .xlsx (Excel) won't be processed; they should be converted into an editable file .doc or .docx. If the tables and charts are incorporated in the manuscript as an image, it won’t be possible to successfully integrate them in the editorial process.
  • Graphs: the graphs are conventional representations of facts and figures as bars, cakes, scales, flow diagrams, Cartesian planes, cluster diagrams, among others. They should be sent in .ppt, .pptx (PowerPoint) .xls or .xlsx (Excel) independently from the main document. The graphs that are created in other specialized programs must be converted to formats which are accepted. If graphics are embedded as images in the manuscript, it won't be possible to successfully integrate them in the editorial process.

All authors must register the name under which they will publish on the website IraLis, http://www.iralis.org/


Rules for submission of Reviews

Cuadernos de Literatura publishes critical reviews on novels, poems, stories, drama, short stories, essays, literary and cultural criticism, whose publication date do not exceed three years. Review-essays on a specific topic involving 2 or 3 recent books are accepted.

The extension of the reviews ranges from 3 to 5 pages. The review-essays range from 5 to 10 pages. Both will be presented in Microsoft Word format .docx and the pages will consist of 25 lines of body text roughly, double spaced, in Times New Roman 12 point. The review should include all book data: author, title, publisher, place and year of publication, number of pages and any other relevant editorial data (number of volumes, reprint data, translator).

The author of the review should include a summary of his/her CV or résumé that will contain, in this order, institutional affiliation, last degree earned and the institution where it was obtained, major publications, email. The curriculum vitae should not exceed 7 lines.

Each author will receive a digital copy of his/her review both in pdf and in E-book version.

Citation Rules

The references and the list of works cited should follow the MLA style, namely references in the text will indicate, in parentheses, the author's surname, year of publication and the page number: (Todorov 1991, 34). In the event that there is no possibility of confusion it is placed only the page number (95).



García Márquez, Gabriel. Cien años de soledad. Buenos Aires: Sudamericana, 1967.

Collective books

Paz Guerra, Livingston y Juniel Cendales (comps.). Antología del ensayo breve. Loja: Ediciones del Sur, 1990.

Magazine articles

Martínez Hernández, Juan. “Construcción de identidades fronterizas en Pasión bajo los árboles de Roberto Girón”. Crítica y Hermenéutica 5.12 (Santiago, julio-diciembre de 2009), 157-69.

Article or chapter in collective books

Moreno, Divia. “Cuerpo torturado y cuerpo de placer en la narrativa de la violencia”. En: Jaime Orduz y David Lockhart (eds.). Poéticas y discursos del cuerpo en la literatura colombiana del siglo XX. Bogotá: Universidad del Centro, 2008, 298-312.


Newspaper articles

Cabrujas, José Ignacio. "Con real y medio". El Nacional (Caracas, 16 nov. 1990), C-7.

Documents on the Internet

García Márquez, Gabriel. "Acceptance Speech of the Nobel Prize in Literature 1982".In: http://www.islapoetica.com.mx/premios-literarios/nobel/discurso/garcia-marquez.htm (19/01/05).

De acuerdo con la Ley Estatutaria 1581 de 2012 de Protección de Datos y normas concordantes, se informa al Titular que, mediante el suministro y registro voluntario de sus datos en los canales habilitados en el Sitio Web, autoriza para que sean incorporados en una base de datos responsabilidad de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana  siendo tratados con la finalidad de realizar actividades asociativas, culturales, recreativas, deportivas y sociales, gestión de medios de comunicación social y/o contenido editorial, Fines históricos, científicos o estadísticos, procedimientos administrativos y publicaciones y gestión contable, fiscal, administrativa y publicidad y prospección comercial - Publicidad propia. Asimismo, autorizo para que mis imágenes personales puedan ser publicadas en medios impresos, audiovisuales, sitio web y redes sociales institucionales.

Es de carácter facultativo suministrar información que verse sobre Datos Sensibles, entendidos como aquellos que afectan la intimidad o generen algún tipo de discriminación, o sobre menores de edad.

La política de tratamiento de los datos del Titular, así como los cambios sustanciales que se produzcan en ésta, se podrán consultar a través del siguiente correo electrónico: usodedatos@javeriana.edu.co. De igual manera, la misma se mantendrán actualizada en la página web de la entidad, cuya dirección es https://www.javeriana.edu.co/recursosdb/20125/720078/Acuerdo-N-743-Politica-de-Proteccion-de-Datos-Personales.pdf.

Usted puede ejercitar los derechos de acceso, corrección, supresión, revocación o reclamo por infracción sobre los datos, mediante escrito dirigido a Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, a la dirección de correo electrónico usodedatos@javeriana.edu.co, indicando en el asunto el derecho que desea ejercitar, o mediante correo ordinario remitido a la dirección: Carrera 7 # 40 – 62 en la Ciudad de Bogotá.