Published Dec 28, 2018


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Valeria de los Ríos



This article analyzes the adaptation of the story “Family life” by Alejandro Zambra, taken to the cinema by Jiménez and Scherson in 2016. Rather than exhaustively analyzing all those elements that are transferred from the text to the image, I am interested in observing certain transformations that occur at the narrative level, such as the disappearance of the narrator. I will also analyze some of the main additions of the film version that are the spatial dimension and corporeality, and some intermedial practices, both in the story and in the film.


Alejandro Zambra, Chilean cinema, space, body, intermedialityAlejandro Zambra, cinema chileno, espaço, corpo, intermidialidadeAlejandro Zambra, cine chileno, espacio, cuerpo, intermedialidad

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How to Cite
de los Ríos, V. (2018). Space, body and intermediality: notes on “Vida de familia”/Vida de familia. Cuadernos De Literatura, 22(44).