Published Dec 30, 2019


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Alfredo Castro



Antonin Artaud understands cruelty as necessity and rigor, animplacable and irreversible inner resolve to turn man into a lucid being who is able to give birth to a new theatre. In line with these ideas, this essay begins with the experiences of acting in and directing theatre to understand that the act of portraying an “other” subject requires to end the separation between the body of the actor and the fictional body of the character, an experience of dissolution. This shift from one to the other requires a Third Body, one that makes it possible to think about and materialize scenes that took place long before that body came into existence. The essay ends with a reflection on Alfredo Castro’s work as an actor in threefilms by the acclaimed Chilean director Pablo Larraín.


Theatre of Cruelty, Antonin Artaud, performance, film, body, Pablo Larraín, Alfredo CastroTeatro de la Crueldad, Antonin Artaud, actuación, cine, cuerpo, Pablo Larraín, Alfredo CastroTeatro da Crueldade, Antonin Artaud, atuacao, cinema, corpo, Pablo Larraín, Alfredo Castro

Artaud, Antonin. “Para los analfabetos”. Trad. Manuel Moya. Tinta China Revista de Literatura. Web.

Derrida, Jacques. “El teatro de la crueldad y la clausura de la representación”. Revista Ideas Valores 32-34 (1969): 5-31. Impreso.

El Club. Dir. Pablo Larraín, Fábula, 2015. Filme.

Gauthier, Xavière, Philippe Sollers et al., eds. Artaud. Trad. Ana Albar Guerra. Valencia: Pre-Textos, 1977. Impreso.

Post Mortem. Dir. Pablo Larraín, Auntentika Films, Fábula, 2010. Filme.

Tony Manero. Dir. Pablo Larraín, Fábula, 2008. Filme.
How to Cite
Castro, A. (2019). The Skin of Cinema: Written on the Third Body. Cuadernos De Literatura, 23(46).