Published Dec 30, 2019


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Gloria Johana Morales Osorio



This article proposes three revolt forms that can be found in the novel Café Nostalgia, by Zoé Valdés, through the concept of revolt created by Julia Kristeva. After defining revolt, it can be identified that the novel (i) places an intimate revolution instead of a political revolution, (ii) demonstrates that the senses transform the body into the scenario for memory, and (iii) explores the anamnesis as a way of inhabit the present. This analysis will allow us to conclude that using Kristeva’s concept for reading Valdés’ novel opens new ways of conceiving the past experience and the creation of literary meaning. 


Zoé Valdés, Cuban literature, Café Nostalgia, revolt, Julia KristevaZoé Valdés, literatura cubana, Café Nostalgia, revolta, Julia KristevaZoé Valdés, literatura cubana, Café Nostalgia, revuelta, Julia Kristeva

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How to Cite
Morales Osorio, G. J. (2019). The intimate revolt in Café Nostalgia, by Zoé Valdés. Cuadernos De Literatura, 23(46).