Published Sep 27, 2021


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Arturo Gutiérrez Plaza



This article reviews certain crossed plots in the work of Juan Luis Martínez, particularly in La nueva novela, specifically related to 1) their modes of insertion into the field of Chilean poetry, especially considering the way they relate to the works of Vicente Huidobro and Nicanor Parra, that precede its work; 2) their strategies of simulation, parody, and shrouding of the figure and identity of the author, as well as their paradoxical connection to the legacy of Borges; 3) the convergences and divergences between Eastern and Western thought, or the assumption of the impossibility of the poem: the “pajarístico” trapped in the net of the ideogram.


Chilean poetry, Juan Luis Martínez, neo avant-garde, La nueva novela, visual artpoesía chilena, Juan Luis Martínez, neovanguardia, La nueva novela, arte visual

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How to Cite
Gutiérrez Plaza, A. (2021). Crossed Plots in the Strange Case of Juan Luis Martínez . Cuadernos De Literatura, 25, 15.